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Writer's pictureshubhankar mathur

What is The Real Cause and Cure For Dandruff?

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

Dandruff is so common these days that you'd be surprised if it were not the new normal. People can consider that it is all hereditary. Although it may be true to a certain extent, most of what we face is down to our exposure to CHEMICALS and surprise, surprise, NUTRITION.

As a first step, you must stop using dandruff shampoos loaded with chemicals, and try these natural remedies for dandruff instead.

I want to cover these four aspects -

  1. What is dandruff?

  2. What is the current treatment?

  3. What is really behind dandruff?

  4. What is a good solution?

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is the result of a scaly, flaky scalp. The layers of the skin in your scalp are flaking off prematurely.

If you ask anyone what dandruff is, they will show you these flaky skin cells on your shoulders. Shoulders don't lie!

Normally, there's about a month cycle where the skin cells in your scalp develop and slough off. With dandruff, they are sloughing off in a week rather than a month.

What is the current treatment?

The typical dandruff treatment is dandruff shampoo, like Head and Shoulders, which uses a certain anti-fungal and antibacterial chemical. While it may get rid of dandruff temporarily, it’s banned in Europe because it’s potentially toxic to a person’s reproductive organs.

What is really behind dandruff?

There is a particular fungus that’s behind dandruff called Malassezia. In this situation, this type of fungus, which is a part of the normal flora on the skin, has morphed overgrown.

The root cause of dandruff is an imbalance in the scalp microflora, causing inflammation and an immune reaction. Antibiotics can lead to this imbalance—killing bacteria that keep unfriendly microbes in check and allowing them to overgrow and cause problems.

What is a good solution?

We should try to add the bacteria back into the skin. As per a few patents, there have been studies reported that will help you to restore that naturally.

The best remedy for dandruff: Mix 1 tsp of the liquid from kimchi in 1 cup of water. After shampooing your hair in the shower, apply this mixture to your scalp. After 15 minutes, rinse the mixture from your scalp.

Another great remedy for dandruff is a mixture of 2 tsp of olive oil mixed with 1/2 tsp of coconut oil, applied to the scalp before bed and washed out in the morning.

Other dandruff remedies include:

  • Diluted tea tree oil

  • Diluted garlic oil

  • Diluted oregano oil

One of the most important things you can do to get rid of dandruff is to fix your diet. You would want to go on a low-carb diet, cut out sugar and omega-6 oils, and consume more foods that contain probiotics. Sometimes, even going on a low-carb diet can help stop dandruff altogether.

It’s also vital that you change your shampoo and conditioner to natural versions and use a water filter in your shower that can filters out at least Chlorine and Fluoride.


Let me know your thoughts or if you have ever tried these solutions.

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